[Working Papers]
[5] J. Choi, D. Kim, D.G. Choi* “Dynamic Order Assignment in Meal Delivery Platforms Considering Diverse Strategic Couriers through Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Interactions”
[4] H. Cheon, D.G. Choi* “Parallel axiomatization of a convex combination of marginalism-based solutions and weighted division value”
[3] H. Cheon, D.G. Choi* “Extension of the linear approximation method for the Shapley value for general coalition games”
[2] S. Lee, Y. Shin, D.G. Choi*, B.I. Kim “A simulation optimization framework for traffic signal control problem using a DNNbased metamodel”
[1] D. Kim, D.G. Choi, M. Lim “Optimal Management of Renewable Energy Certificates: A Reinforcement Learning Approach”
[Selected Papers]
[4] D. Kim, H. Cheon, D.G. Choi*, S. Im, “Operations Research Helps the Optimal Bidding of Virtual Power Plants” INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics (INTERFACES) , 2022, 52(4), 344-362
[3] H. Park, D. Min, J.H. Ryu, D.G. Choi*, “DIP-QL: A Novel Reinforcement Learning Method for Constrained Industrial Systems” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18 (11), 7494-7503
[2] D.G. Choi, M. Lim, K. Murali, V. Thomas “Why have voluntary time-of-use tariffs fallen short in the residential sector?” Production and Operations Management, 2020, 29(3), 617-642
[1] D.G. Choi, F. Kreikebaum, V. M. Thomas*, D. Divan “Coordinated EV Adoption: Double-Digit Reductions in Emissions and Fuel Use for $40/Vehicle-Year” Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47 (18), 10703–10707
[International Journal Publications]
[37] M. Sarkar, O. Kweon, B.I. Kim*, D.G. Choi, D.Y. Kim “Synergizing autonomous and traditional vehicles: A systematic review of advances and challenges in traffic-flow management with signalized intersections” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Accepted
[36] H. Lee, J. Ahn, D.G. Choi, S.Y. Park* “Analysis of the role of hydrogen energy in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050: A case study of the Republic of Korea”, Energy, 2024, 304, 132023
[35] H. Park, M.K. Sim, D.G. Choi*, “Twin-system recurrent reinforcement learning for optimizing portfolio strategy with constraints”, Expert Systems with Applications, 2024, 253, 124193
[34] H. Cheon, D.G. Choi* “Generalization of weighted-egalitarian Shapley values”, Operations Research Letters, 2024, 54, 107118
[33] H. Park, B.I. Kim, D.G. Choi*, H. Kim, T. Kang, and Y. Lee “Layer and Length-Deviation Limit Aware Interposer Routing for Bend and Wirelength Minimization”, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2024, 14(6), 993-1006
[32] S. Kim, D.G. Choi*, “A sample robust optimal bidding model for a virtual power plant” European Journal of Operational Research, 2024, 316(3), 1101-1113
[31] J. Choi, T. Yu, D.G. Choi*, “Dynamic OHT Routing using Travel Time Approximation based on Deep Neural Network” IEEE Access, 2024, 12, 6900-6911
[30] H. Park, D.G. Choi, D. Min*, “Adaptive Inventory Replenishment using Structured Reinforcement Learning by Exploiting an Optimal Policy Structure” International Journal of Production Economics, 2023, 266, 109029
[29] D. Kim, D.G. Choi*, “The aggregator’s contract design problem in the electricity demand response market” Operational Research, 2023, 23(1), 8
[28] D. Kim, H. Cheon, D.G. Choi*, S. Im, “Operations Research Helps the Optimal Bidding of Virtual Power Plants” INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics (INTERFACES) , 2022, 52(4), 344-362
[27] H. Park, D. Min, J.H. Ryu, D.G. Choi*, “DIP-QL: A Novel Reinforcement Learning Method for Constrained Industrial Systems” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18 (11), 7494-7503
[26] D.G. Choi, D.Min, J.H.Ryu*, “Effective subsidy policy for a grid-connected microgrid: Evidence from a Korean case study” International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, 2022, 29 (3), 372-388
[25] H. Lee, H. Kim, D.G. Choi, Y. Koo*, “An industrial energy system with learning and spillovers between emission-intensive industries”, Energy Strategy Reviews, 2022 43, 100898
[24] D.G. Choi, K. Murali* “The impact of heterogeneity in consumer characteristics on the design of optimal time-of-use tariffs” Energy, 2022, 254(B), 124248
[23] J. Choi, S. Park, D.G. Choi*, “Analysis of effects of the hydrogen supply chain on the Korean energy system” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47, 21908 – 21922
[22] H. Kim, D. Min, D.G. Choi*, “A sampling-based solution approach for electricity capacity expansion planning with chance constraint” Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2021, 162, 107710
[21] D.H. Ryu , R.H. Kim, S.H. Choi, K.J. Kim*, Y.M. Ko, Y.J. Kim, M. Song, D.G. Choi, “Utilizing Electricity Consumption Data to Assess the Noise Discomfort Caused by Electrical Appliances between Neighbors: A Case Study of a Campus Apartment Building” Sustainability, 2020, 12(20), 8704
[20] D. Choi, Y.H. Ahn, D.G. Choi* “Multi-criteria decision analysis of electricity sector transition policy in Korea” Energy Strategy Reviews, 2020, 29, 100485
[19] H. Kim, H. Lee, Y. Koo, D.G. Choi* “Comparative analysis of iterative approaches for incorporating learning-by-doing into the energy system models” Energy, 2020, 197, 117201
[18] D. Min, J.H. Ryu, D.G. Choi* “Effects of the move towards renewables on the power system reliability and flexibility in South Korea” Energy Reports, 2020, 6, 406-417
[17] H. Park, M.K. Sim, D.G. Choi*, “An intelligent financial portfolio trading strategy using the deep Q-learning” Expert Systems with Applications, 2020, 158(15), 113573
[16] D.G. Choi, M. Lim, K. Murali, V. Thomas “Why have voluntary time-of-use tariffs fallen short in the residential sector?” Production and Operations Management, 2020, 29(3), 617-642
[15] M.K. Sim, D.G. Choi*, “The winning probability of a game and the importance of points in tennis matches” Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 2020, 91(3), 361-372
[14] K. Park, J. Kwahk*, S.H. Han, M. Song, D.G. Choi, H. Jang, D. Kim, Y.D. Won, I.S. Jeong, “Modelling the intrusive feelings of advanced driver assistance systems based on vehicle activity log data: A case study for the lane keeping assistance system” International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2019, 20(3), 455-463
[13] H. Kim, H. Cheon, Y.-H. Ahn, D.G. Choi*, “Uncertainty quantification and scenario generation of future solar photovoltaic price for use in energy system models” Energy, 2019, 168, 370-379
[12] S. Park, H. Kim, B. Kim, D.G. Choi*, “Comprehensive analysis of GHG emission mitigation potentials from technology policy options in South Korea’s transportation sector using a bottom-up energy system model” Transportation Research Part D, 2018, 62, 268-282
[11] D.G. Choi, D.Min, J.H.Ryu*, “Economic value assessment and optimal sizing of an energy storage system in a grid-connected wind farm” Energies, 2018, 11(3), 591
[10] D.Min, J.H.Ryu, D.G. Choi*, “A long-term capacity expansion planning model for an electric power system integrating large-size renewable energy technologies” Computers and Operations Research, 2018, 96, 244-255
[9] S.J. Choi*, D.G. Choi, P. Friley, H.Kim, S.Y. Park “Quantitative Analysis on the Energy and Environmental Impact of the Korean National Energy R&D Roadmap a Using Bottom-Up Energy System Model” Sustainability, 2017, 9(4), 538
[8] N.B. Park, S.Y. Park, J.J. Kim, D.G. Choi, B.Y. Yun, J.C. Hong* “Technical and economic model of highly efficient boiler technologies in the Korean industrial sector” Energy, 2017, 121, 884-891
[7] S.Y. Park, B.Y. Yun, C.Y. Yun, D.H. Lee, D.G. Choi* “An analysis of the optimum renewable energy portfolio using the bottom-up model: focusing on the electricity generation sector in South Korea” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 53, 319-329
[6] D.G. Choi, S.Y. Park*, N.B. Park, J.C. Hong “Is the concept of ‘Grid Parity’ defined appropriately to evaluate the cost competitiveness of renewable energy technologies?” Energy Policy, 2015, 86, 718-728
[5] D.G. Choi, S.Y. Park*, J.C. Hong “Quantitatively exploring the future of renewable portfolio standard in the Korean electricity sector via a bottom-up model”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 50, 793-803
[4] D.G. Choi, F. Kreikebaum, V. M. Thomas*, D. Divan “Coordinated EV Adoption: Double-Digit Reductions in Emissions and Fuel Use for $40/Vehicle-Year” Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47 (18), 10703–10707
[3] D.G. Choi*, V. M. Thomas,”An Electricity Generation Planning Model Incorporating Demand Response” Energy Policy, 2012, 42: 429-441
[2] D. Luo, Z. Hu, D.G. Choi, V. M. Thomas*, M. J. Realff, R. R. Chance, “Lifecycle Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for an Ethanol Production Process based on Blue-green Algae” Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44 (22), 8670–8677
[1] V.M. Thomas*, D.G. Choi, D. Luo, A. Okwo, J.H. Wang,“Relation of biofuel to bioelectricity and agriculture: Food security, fuel security, and reducing greenhouse emissions” Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2009, 87, 1140-1146
[Domestic Journal Publications]
[8] J. Yang, D.G. Choi, D. Min*, “A Conjoint Analysis for Evaluating Customer Preferences on Vehicle Attributes: Focusing on Eco-friendly Fuel Vehicles(컨조인트 설문조사를 이용한 국내 소비자의 차량선택 요인 분석)” Journal of Transportation Research, 2023, 30(2), 1-13
[7] J. Ahn, K. Kim, J. Choi, D.G. Choi, S. Park*, “Analysis of the Role of ESS for Expanding the Renewable Energy Supply : From Energy and Environmental Perspectives(재생에너지 보급 확대를 위한 ESS의 에너지· 환경 측면의 역할 분석)” Journal of Energy Engineering, 2021, 30(1), 1-13
[6] Y. Lee, M.K. Lim, D.G. Choi*, “Short-Term Load Forecasting for an individual building using Shape-based Clustering and Random Forest(형태 기반 군집화와 랜덤포레스트를 이용한 개별 건물의 단기 전력 수요 예측)” Korean Management Science Review, 2020, 37(4), 21-31
[5] Y.-H. Ahn, H.-G. Kim, D.G. Choi*, “Efficient structures of the bottom-up energy system model for assessing greenhouse gas reduction policies in the road transportation sector(도로부문 온실가스 감축 정책 분석을 위한 상향식 에너지 시스템 모형의 효율적인 수리구조에 관한 연구)” Journal of Transportation Research, 2018, 9, 25-38
[4] D.Min, R.J.Ryu, D.G. Choi*, “Evaluating the effects of Korea’s nuclear & coal phase-out and renewable energy shift on the power system reliability(탈원전 탈석탄 신재생에너지 확대 정책에 따른 신규 전원구성의 수급 안정성 평가)” Korean Energy Economic Review, 2018, 17(1), 1-35
[3] H. Kim, J. Choi, D.G. Choi*, “Quantitative analysis of the smoothing effect according to the number of wind farms in Korea(국내 풍력단지 증가에 따른 평활효과 정량화)” New and Renewable Energy, 2018, 14(1), 31-40
[2] N-B. Park, S. Y. Park, D.G. Choi, H-G Kim, Y-H Kang*, “Business model of renewable energy resource map(신재생에너지 자원지도의 비즈니스 모델 개발)” Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, 2016, 36(1), 39-47
[1] J.H.Ryu, D.G. Choi*,“Development of a stochastic model for wind power production(풍력단지의 발전량 추계적 모형 제안에 관한 연구)” Korean Management Science Review, 2016, 33, 35-47
[Conference Proceedings]
[1] F. Kreikebaum, D.G. Choi, F. Lambert, V.M. Thomas and D. Divan, “Increasing the Likelihood of Large-Scale Grid-Enabled Vehicle (GEV) Penetration through Appropriate Design Choices” IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2011, 10.1109/VPPC.2011.6043157
[1] V.M. Thomas, D.G. Choi, D. Luo, Handbook of Bioenergy: Bioenergy Supply Chain – Models and Applications, Chapter 11 Biofuel Lifecycle Energy and Environmental Impacts: The Challenges of Co-product Allocation, Springer, 2015
[3] Method and device for predicting road traffic flow (도로 교통 흐름 예측 방법 및 장치), Application No. 10-2024-0146542 (KR)
[2] A method for optimal placement and routing of transistors (트랜지스터의 최적배치 및 라우팅방법), Application No. 10-2024-0075681 (KR)
[1] A system and method determining optimum development bid amount considering uncertainty (발전 및 수요 불확실성을 고려한 최적 발전 입찰량 결정시스템 및 방법), Registration No. 10-2272666 (KR)
(underline: students, *: corresponding author)